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St. Catherine of Siena

Feast Day:April 29 

Born:1347 :


Catherine was born at Siena, Tuscany in Italy. Catherine was the youngest in a family of twenty-five children. When she was six years old Jesus appeared and blessed her. Her mother and father wanted her to be happily married. But, Catherine wished only to be a nun. To make herself as unattractive as possible, she cut off her long, beautiful hair. Her parents were very upset and scolded her often. They also gave her the most difficult housework to do. But Catherine did not change her mind. Finally, her parents stopped bothering her and allowed her to become a nun. 

St. Catherine was very honest and straightforward with Jesus and scolded him when he was not around to help her in her struggles and temptations. Jesus told her that because he was in her heart she was able to win her struggles by his grace. In those days the Church had many problems. There were fights going on all over Italy. Catherine wrote letters to kings and queens. She even went to beg rulers to make peace with the pope and to avoid wars. Catherine asked the pope to leave Avignon, France, and return to Rome to rule the Church as it was God's will. He listened to St. Catherine and did as she said. Catherine never forgot that Jesus was in her heart. Through her, Jesus helped the sick people she nursed and comforted the prisoners she visited in jail. This great saint died in Rome in 1380 when she was just thirty-three. She is the patroness of Italy, her country. Hundreds of years later St. Catherine was named a Doctor of the Church. She received this great honor because she served Jesus' Church boldly during her short lifetime.

Mrs Martin is our class teacher in St Catherine. Mrs Bertolino is our Teaching Assistant. 




Portal Stories

To use similes  to describe.

To use personification.

To use varied openers.

To include dialogue.

To include a variety of punctuation in my sentences.


To edit and up-level.



To describe settings, characters and atmosphere

To use the range of punctuation taught at key stage 2 correctly

To use a range of devices to build cohesion

To integrate dialogue in narratives to convey character and advance the action


Biographical Writing

To complete a piece of biographical writing.

To use the passive voice.

To accurately use an exclamation and a question mark.

To use parenthesis.

To use conjunctions.


The Industrial Revolution

I can use retrieval skills.

I can identify new words and discuss their meaning in context.

I can use my comprehension skills by matching facts and figures.

I can use rhetorical questions.

I can answer literal questions.

I can explain and justify using evidence from the text.





Click on the link below for helpful information and activities which are all literacy based;


Themed projects, consolidation and problem solving

The projects provide an opportunity to revisit many

of the skills and curriculum content covered

White Rose Bakery

Ratio and proportion

Cost of ingredients

Best Value (percentages)

Profit and loss

Profit and Loss

Packaging (nets)

Common real-life problems encountered when cooking and baking

Cooking Problems

White Rose Tours



Choosing flights (cost)

Accommodation (deals)

Working with a budget

White Rose futures

Annual salary

Hourly rates





Mental maths – additional weekly tests to develop children’s mental ability for rapid recall and problem solving.

Tables Test- weekly for x 2, x 3, x 4, x5, x 6, x7, x8, x9 x10, x11and x12.













Living things and their habitats:

Pupils should be taught to:

 describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common

observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms,

plants and animals

 give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.


Evolution and Inheritance:

Pupils should be taught to:

 recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide

information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago

 recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring

vary and are not identical to their parents

 identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different

ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.


Click on the link below for helpful information and activities which are all science based;





Easter to Pentecost

•           Describe how belief in the resurrection of Jesus is expressed in Matthew’s Gospel.

•           Make links to show how belief in the presence of the Spirit in the world is expressed in the life of Pope Francis

•           Give reasons for the actions of Pope Francis as a man who acts in response to his belief.

•           Show understanding of how religious belief shapes the life of Pope Francis

•           Identify similarities and differences between peoples’ responses to social and moral issues because of their beliefs – St Thomas Aquinas and Pope Francis

•           Explain how my feelings and beliefs affect mine and others behaviour.

•           Demonstrate how religious beliefs and teaching give some explanation of the purpose and meaning of human life.

Spiritual Outcomes – 

It is hoped that pupils will develop:

•           A sense of wonder for creation

•           A willingness to learn from scripture

•           An appreciation of the truths contained in Scripture

A sense of the value of prayer.





Sing up Music Scheme:

Touch the Sky: Musical focus: To recognise features of Scottish folk music, to move, sing, and play in 3/4 time, to improvise using a pentatonic scale, to sing in two parts with dynamic contrast and expression.

Most children will be able to:

  • Identify some of the features of traditional Scottish music that have influenced the composition of the song Touch the sky.
  • Sing accurately in two parts, with dynamic contrast and expression.
  • Improvise extended melodies using the pentatonic scale.
  • Play the drone, bass note, or chord for a chorus of Skye boat song.







The Tudors

The children will be learning:

Threshold Concepts Covered

•           Main Events

•           Conflict

•           Culture and Pastimes

•           Travel and Exploiration



To present information about 3 Tudor monarchs and compare and contrast their reigns.

To recognise the significance of Elizabeth I dying without an heir.

To understand and explain what is meant by the term `civil war‘.

To explore the Pilgrimage of Grace.

To describe some of the challenges the Tudor monarchs faced with religion and how they began to overcome these problems.

To organise information about the Spanish Armada.

To organise information about the Renaissance during the reign of Elizabeth I.

To understand who Walter Raleigh was and the reasons why Walter Raleigh was executed.

To explore what is meant by the word `devout‘.

To know when Henry VIII became the head of the Church of England.

To organise information about the Protestant Reformation.





The children will be able:

To enter data and formulas into a spreadsheet.

To order and present data based on calculations.

To add, edit and calculate data.

To use a spreadsheet to solve problems.

To plan and calculate a spending budget.

To design a spreadsheet for a specific purpose.


  • Lessons Planned and taught by External Sports Company Non-Stop Action.

    Athletics and Rounders:


    Use running, jumping and throwing in isolation and in combination. Play competitive games, modified where appropriate. Communicate, collaborate and compete with each other. Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance. Develop an understanding of how to improve in different sports. Learn how to evaluate and recognise success. Compare performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement.


    Indoor PE (taught by the Class Teacher)


    In this unit the children learn different styles of dance and focus on dancing with other people. They create, perform and watch dances in a range of styles, working with partners and groups. In dance as a whole, children think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. As they work they develop an awareness of the historical and cultural origins of different ideas.




To research the work and style of Ford Madox Brown.

To recognise why art critics were suspicious of Realist artists in the mid-19th century.

To replicate the depiction of peasants in my own artwork in the style of a Realist artist.

To compare and contrast the colours used by French Realist artists with those used by Surrealist and Pop artists.  

To explore the reasons why Gustave Courbet’s art was not popular and was criticised during his lifetime. 

To experiment with Courbet’s style of depicting the main character from the back to draw the viewer into the scene.

To copy Courbet’s use of rough and visible brushstrokes, as well as using my thumb to apply paint in my own realistic paining.  

To copy Courbet’s effect of using lighter tones in the background and darker tones for the main features in the foreground. 

To create my own piece of realism and critically analyse my piece of work.







UKS2 Module Three: Created to Live in Community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good:

Unit 1 – Religious Understanding deepens pupils understanding and appreciation of the three-part community of love, the Trinity, with the endpoint of discussing the Trinity as it might be communicated in a church setting. Children will learn that the Trinity demonstrates the perfect loving community, and we are called to emulate this self-giving and self-sacrificing love in our communities.

Building on learning from Lower Key Stage Two, Unit 2 – Living in the Wider World teaches children some of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching from Together For The Common Good, which will help them to fulfil their purpose of making a difference in the world around them. Teaching includes the common good, the human person, social relationships and stewardship.