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The Nursery team are:

Mrs Whytock               Mrs For                Miss Louki

We are so proud of how all of the children have settled in to the Nursery. Below is what we are working on this term!

Listen to adults and peers in all contexts of nursery environment.

Have opportunities to talk to friends, partners, whole class, and circle time.

To express their ideas, thoughts and emotions using words.

Become familiar with seasonal language related to Summer

Understand a question instruction that has two parts.

Use longer sentences of four or six words.

Use talk to organise themselves and their play.






Weekly story book focus on Traditional Tales

Understand the five key concepts about print:

  • Print has meaning
  • Print can have different purposes
  • We read English text from left to right and from top to bottom


  • The names of the different parts of the book
  • Page sequencing
  • Become familiar with the Monster Phonics characters

Encourage children to join in with known texts and repeated refrains.

Encourage children to make predictions as to what might happen next and to think of alternative endings to stories.

Use Expresso

Name card recognition






Have lots of opportunities to motivate children to write.

Help children to form letters correctly, firstly through physical skills and then developed through fine motor skills.

Daily shared writing - linking letters to sounds.

Name writing tasks.

Writing lists.

Encourage children to label their work and write captions.

Opportunities for independent book making activities.






This first half term our RE topic is titled ‘Easter to Pentecost’

We will be exploring how we can see God in the world around us and within the people who care for us.

We will be exploring and learning about:-

The colours of the Easter season- Gold and White. Red is the colour worn for Pentecost.

The Resurrection – Come to understand that Jesus is a special person – God in human form.

Post – Resurrection appearances – The road to Emmaus.

The Ascension – Discuss how the disciples would have been feeling at different points of the story.

Pentecost – The coming of the Holy Spirit. Come to know that we are filled with the Holy Spirit every day. God and Jesus are in Heaven.

The children will come to know the Caritas symbol. Discuss how we can be more like Jesus, by showing kindness to others.


We will continue with our daily acts of worship and experience praying with others as a celebration.




Working with number - number songs, rhymes and stories

Develop fast recognition of up to 3 objects, without having to count them individually.

Link numerals and amounts

Solve real world mathematical problems with numbers up to 5.

Sequence numbers, match numbers to quantities and count out objects with one to one correspondence.

Shape, space and measure

Use positional language

Use the language of size

Make comparisons between objects relating to size, length, weight and capacity

Explore 2D shapes and use appropriately for tasks.

Capacity- full, empty, half full

Compare Weights- heavy, light, heaviest, lightest

Compare height – tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest.

Order First, second, third.







We will be working with the children to:

Explore Past and Present

Begin to make sense of their own life stories and family histories. 

People, Culture and Communities

We will continue to develop positive attitudes about the differences between people.

Explore and show an interest in different occupations.

The Natural World

Summer - explore and recognise the changes in weather and what clothes to wear.

Plant seeds and care for growing plants. Understand the key features of the life cycle of a plant and animals.

Observe the life cycle of a caterpillar and release the butterflies in garden.

We will continue to work on our senses of taste, sight, listening and touch to describe objects etc.







We will be working with the children to:

 Creating with Materials

Create closed shapes with continuous lines and begin to use these shapes to represent objects.

Draw with increasing details.

Use drawing to represent ideas like movement or loud noises.

Continue to develop fine motor skills using a variety of resources - pens, chalk, paints, scissors etc.

Draw, paint characters and favourite parts of stories.

Work with a variety of collage materials.


Being imaginative and Expressive

Listen with increased attention to sounds.

Respond to what they have heard, expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Remember and sing entire songs.

Play instruments with increasing control to express their feelings and ideas. Create their own bears, tunes and melodies.

Assume a role in home corner.

Assume a role of a character from different stories to act out.






We will be working with the children to:


The children will have access to a variety of large equipment- caterpillar tunnel, bikes, scooters, parachute, slide and tyres.

Develop further locomotive skills - skipping, hopping, balancing.

Develop fine motor skills - gipping a pencil, using scissors.