





Science in the Summer Term at St. Mary’s


The children at St. Mary’s have continued to work exceptionally hard over the past two terms to develop their Scientific Knowledge and Enquiry skills. It has been wonderful to see the children being engaged with a ‘hands on’ experience of science in and out of the classroom. We have been lucky enough to continue our work on the Science Ninja project where children focus on different scientific skills in the lesson and are rewarded by being given a sticker for themselves and for their chart.  

We will continue to focus in each year group on the key skills which are being taught in a number of different ways to allow all the children to be able to access the subject.

We had the opportunity to have a school focus on life cycles where we had some duckling eggs come into school. The children got to witness the eggs hatch and the ducklings grow and develop, we even got to see them swim in the pool! In the summer term we will have the chance as a school to take part in VR workshops where the children will use their VR headset to discover the life of different species of animals in their habitat.  



Knowledge and Understanding

Children should:

  • be curious about the things they observe, experiencing and exploring the world around them with all their senses;
  • use this experience to develop their understanding of key scientific ideas and make links between different phenomena and experiences;
  • begin to think about models to represent things they cannot directly experience;
  • try to make sense of phenomena, seeking explanations and thinking critically about claims and ideas.                    

Processes and Skills

Children should:

  • acquire and refine practical skills needed to investigate questions safely;
  • develop skills of predicting, asking questions, hypothesising, planning, fair testing, observing, measuring, recording, evaluating results based on evidence and understanding, drawing conclusions and using these skills in investigative work;
  • practise mathematical skills in real life contexts;
  • learn why numerical skills and mathematical skills are useful and helpful in understanding.


Language and Communication

Children should:

  • think creatively about science and enjoy trying to make sense of phenomena;
  • develop language skills through talking about their work and presenting their own ideas using sustained and systematic writing of different kinds;
  • use scientific and mathematical language including technical vocabulary and conventions, and draw diagrams and charts to communicate scientific ideas;
  • read non-fiction and extract information from sources such as reference books or information from the internet.


Values and Attitudes

Children should:


  • work with others, listening to their ideas and treating these with respect;
  • develop respect for evidence and evaluate critically ideas which may or may not fit evidence available;
  • develop the ability to work in an increasingly independent way;
  • develop a respect for the environment and living things and for their own health and safety.



In order to achieve the aims outlined previously, the teaching of science is implemented in the following ways.


Scheme of Work

The statutory requirements for science in the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Science, and the Enfield guidance are followed.   This provides a long term teaching framework, with units of work planned for years 1 – 6, to provide both subject knowledge and opportunities for scientific inquiry.


Science Ninja Scheme

We will continue as a school, to be part of the Science Ninja reward scheme. This is where children will be rewarded stickers for demonstrating some key scientific enquiry skills for using equipment, measuring, recording and observing. There will also be a certificate rewarded to children for doing some science linked activities at home.