St. Paul

Paul is the great apostle who hated and first tortured the Christians, making them suffer much. Then on his road to Damascus Jesus changed his heart and he was converted. We celebrate Paul's conversion on January 25.

At the time of his conversion, Jesus had said: "I will show him how much he must suffer for me." St. Paul loved Jesus very much, so much, in fact, that he became a living copy of our Savior. All his life, as a missionary, St. Paul met troubles and went through dangers of every kind. He was whipped, stoned, shipwrecked, and lost at sea. Many, many times he was hungry, thirsty and cold.Yet he always trusted in God. He never stopped preaching. "The love of Jesus presses me onward," he said. In reward, God gave him great comfort and joy in spite of every suffering.

We read about his marvellous adventures for Christ in Luke's Acts of the Apostles, beginning with chapter nine. But St. Luke's story ends when Paul arrives in Rome. He is under house arrest, waiting to be tried by Emperor Nero. A famous early Christian writer, Tertullian, tells us that Paul was freed after his first trial. But then he was put in prison again. This time he was sentenced to death. He died around the year 67, during Nero's terrible torture of the Christians. Paul called himself the apostle of the Gentiles (people who were not Jews) and he preached the Good News of Jesus to them. That took him to the far ends of the world. Because of Paul, we, too, have received the Christian faith.



Easter to Pentecost

Pupils will explore the Season of Easter, the period from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. Belief in the resurrection is presented as one of the founding beliefs of Christians and, together with the coming of the Holy Spirit as Pentecost as the rationale for ‘caritas’; love of God that leads to acts of charity. This unit teaches from the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles, also written by Matthew.



We will be focusing on the way Muslim people work and where they would go to worship Allah. They will understand where the Muslim religion originated from and understand that Islam and Christianity are both monotheist religions. 



The children will be learning how the disciples, ‘followed’ Jesus when He called. We will focus on ways which we can be disciples in our life and use examples of people who have dedicated their lives following Jesus’ way.


Lessons Planned and taught by External Sports Company Non-Stop Action.

Athletics and Rounders:


Use running, jumping and throwing in isolation and in combination. Play competitive games, modified where appropriate. Communicate, collaborate and compete with each other. Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance. Develop an understanding of how to improve in different sports. Learn how to evaluate and recognise success. Compare performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement.


Indoor PE Dance:

In this unit the children learn different styles of dance and focus on dancing with other people. They create, perform and watch dances in a range of styles, working with partners and groups. In dance as a whole, children think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. As they work they develop an awareness of the historical and cultural origins of different ideas


At present your child will still be bringing home a school reading book. Please ensure that your child reads every night in order to develop fluency.  Reading records are provided for date, book and comments to be added by an adult.  Please ensure that the reading records are signed each time your child is listened to read.  Also, if you could spend a little time talking about the text and asking questions to encourage your child to really think about what they have read. This will greatly help their comprehension skills. Evidence shows that good readers are also good spellers and good writers. Reading records will be checked by the class teachers every Friday and we will expect to see five adult signatures showing that you have heard your child read.



Decimals: Make a whole with tenths and hundredths, flexibly partition decimals, compare and order decimals, round to the nearest whole number and looking at halves and quarters as decimals.

Money: Write money using decimals, convert between pounds and pence, compare, estimate, calculate and solve problems with money.

Time: Years, months and days, hours, minutes and seconds, convert between analogue and digital times, covert to and from the 24-hour clock.

Shape Understand angles as turns, identify, compare and order angles, explore triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons, lines of symmetry.

Statistics: Interpret charts, comparison, sum and difference, interpret line graphs and draw line graphs.

Position and Direction: Describe position using coordinates, plot coordinates, draw 2-D shapes on a grid, translation on a grid, describe translation on a grid.


The Vikings

Investigating whether the Vikings were raiders, traders or settlers, making boats to see if the Vikings were engineers and exploring causes and consequences. Making deductions from sources, identifying the author’s viewpoint and explaining how this impacts the accuracy of the source.


Reading  Collaborative reading groups to develop confidence and fluency of reading skills.

Big Writing – develop beginnings to stories, plot developments and endings. Improve use of adjectives. To develop writing different styles and to revise writing in different genres.

Weekly spellings – to develop children’s store of vocabulary.

Handwriting – exercises to practise and improve letter formation, presentation.




Online Safety

The children will be able:

Describe how to search over multiple platforms and be aware of the accuracy of the results presented.

Describe some of the methods used to persuade people to buy online.

Explain the difference between fact, opinion and belief and recognise these online.

Explain what a bot is and give examples of different bots.

Explain some positive and negative distractions of using technology and small strategies for reducing the time spent on technology.




Art Deco

Pupils will be taught to develop their techniques, including their control and their use of  materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.



See the source image

 French will continue to be taught weekly by Mrs. Ramdarshan.




Classification and changing habitats:

  • Pupils who are secure will be able to:

  • Group animals in various ways, including vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish) and invertebrates.

  • Group plants in various ways, including flowering and non-flowering plants.

  • Recognise and describe different habitats and their inhabitants.

  • Recognise the impact humans can have on habitats.

  • Recognise the impact of natural disasters on habitats.

When working scientifically, pupils who are secure will be able to:

  • Record data in different ways.

  • Apply and create classification keys.

  • Make careful observations.

  • Make and use classification keys.

  • Present information in different ways.

  • Research using an information sheet.