Image result for welcome to year 2





Maths: – see medium term planning


Mental maths – additional weekly tests to develop children’s mental ability for rapid recall and problem solving. Include investigative work at least every 2 weeks.


Tables Test- 2, 5 and 10 times tables will be tested weekly. Those who are secure to move onto the 3 an 4.




In Literacy we will begin by exploring ‘Traditional Tales’.  We will then be reading and writing about story books from the author ‘Anthony Browne’. After the half-term, we will look at adventure stories, biographies and summer poetry.  We will continue to focus on grammar, handwriting and reading comprehension. The children aim to develop their writing skills during the week to produce a piece of writing which goes into their ‘Big Writing’ books. With each piece of writing, the children are given the opportunity to plan, draft, review, edit and redraft their writing.


Please ensure that your child reads every night in order to develop fluency.  Reading records are provided for date, book and comments to be added by an adult.  Please ensure that the reading records are signed each time you listen to your child read.  Also, if you could spend a little time talking about the text and asking questions to encourage your child to really think about what they have read, this will greatly help their comprehension skills. Evidence shows that good readers are also good spellers and good writers. Reading records will be checked by the class teachers every Monday and we will expect to see 5 adult signatures showing that you have heard your child read.

Children will also read individually or in Guided Reading groups at least once a week. This will also be recorded in your child’s Reading Record.






This term in R.E. we will be covering the topics of ‘Easter to Pentecost’ and ‘Discipleship’.

Easter to Pentecost

•          Where the events between Easter and Pentecost are recorded

•          The events of Pentecost

•          How Christians believe the Holy Spirit impacts our lives

•          To know who Saint Paul was and recognise that he wrote letters

•          The fruits of the Holy Spirit as named in Saint Paul’s letter


•          Retell some special stories about religious events and people

•          Make links between religious stories and beliefs

•          Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them


The children spent a week exploring the Jewish faith. They learnt about the roots of the religion and any similarities it has with Christianity. They also looked at how the Torah is essential in the lives of the Jewish people and which days are regarded as special or holy


During the summer term, the children will spend a week exploring the Muslim faith.

We will learn about:

·         Where Muslims pray and how they pray

Special places of worship and the importance of this for Muslims




Living Things and Habitats

Children will learn to discuss the features of those things living, dead and have never been alive.

They will find, classify and label specimens into categories.

Children will learn that different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants.


Children will learn about a variety of famous scientists and inventors linked to the Year 2 science curriculum.

Working Scientifically:

  • Ask relevant questions; use different types of scientific enquiries to answer them.
  • Set up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests.
  • Identify differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific ideas and processes.
  • Make systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate, take accurate measurements using standard units; use a range of equipment, including thermometers and data loggers.
  • Record findings use simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys, bar charts and tables.
  • Report on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations, displays or presentation of results and conclusions.

Science Ninja:

The children will have the opportunity to gain a science ninja sticker. These focus on the key skills:

  • Recording
  • Observing
  • Measuring
  • Equipment 





In ICT this term the children will learning about ‘Coding’. The children will be using expresso to input algorithms.   








In History we will be learning about the First Flight.

 In this topic we will:

  • Learn about the first powered flight
  • Identify today’s major air routes
  • Compare and contrast modes of transport
  • Understand how aeroplanes bring the world closer together



In Geography we will be learning about Australia.

In this topic we will:

  • Compare and contrast the location of Australia and United Kingdom
  • Learn about the physical features of Australia
  • To compare and contrast the human features of Australia and the UK
  • Locate aboriginal settlements and the cities of Australia 
  • Understand the features of Uluru rock and the importance to Aboriginal people
  • Compare and contrast the everyday life of urban and rural life in Australia





Children will have PE lessons on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit (a round neck t-shirt, not a polo shirt please) and that each item is clearly labelled. Children are not allowed to wear earrings during P.E. (it would be helpful if they didn’t wear them at all on these days).


In Art we will be learning different art skillsThe children will be sketching, painting, using pastels and drawing from observation. Our topic this half term is ‘Portraits’. 




Cooking and nutrition: A balanced diet

Key Skills:

  • Designing a healthy wrap based on a food combination which works well together.
  • Slicing food safely using the bridge or claw grip.
  • Constructing a wrap that meets a design brief.
  • Describing the taste, texture and smell of fruit and vegetables.
  • Taste testing food combinations and final products.
  • Describing the information that should be included on a label.
  • Evaluating which grip was most effective


PSHE- Following TenTen Life to the Full

Module 3: Created to Live in Community

Created to Live in Community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good


Homework will be given out on Thursdays and will need to be returned to school for marking on Monday.  Alongside homework it would be helpful to your child if you could help them practise reading and writing spellings given each week, reading and spelling common exception words and helping them practise the two, five and ten times tables (please note they must know these in sequence, mixed up and related division facts).  Spellings and tables will be assessed weekly. Please not that additional work may be given to your child during the week to aid their learning.


Edward De Bono's six thinking hats

We continue to use Edward De Bono's six thinking hats to help us to organise our thinking and process or ideas. There are 6 hats and each has a different colour and so a different use or meaning. When children answer questions in class, each question will have a different colour hat attached to it. The diagram below shows you in better detail how we use them. Ask your children what hats they have used in their learning today!


Habits of Mind

The Habits of Mind are a collection of 16 thinking dispositions designed to help children develop their critical and creative thinking skills. Every week children are taught to use a different ‘habit of mind’ to help with their thinking and apply this to their work.



Visual Maps

The children are now using visual tools in all areas of their learning. These tools help the children map out their ideas and organize their thinking.